Thursday, November 11, 2010

Monday, October 11, 2010


What's poppin, world? Here's some flicks from the Sean P session. The track came out crazy, and we're heading into the studio with Roc Macricano Wedensday to do the remix.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

best of both worlds.
the white glove group nyc has given us the opportunity to collaborate with one of hip-hop's greats, the god SEAN P. We are in the early stages of production but plans include a very limited 12" vinyl release, video and remix featuring underground street hip-hop's current victor, ROC MARCIANO.

stay tuned for announcements on this project. you know we're gonna have to have some ill pit action for the video, so we'll definitely be announcing the gig we're shooting at.

how the gods chill. 2010. peace.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hello, internet. Please read this great review of the Pegasus 7" by Becky Miller on the Lifers MTL site. We are greatly honored by such a glowing review.

No CW news as of now, sorry. The gods have just been chillin. maxin. loungin. lampin. marinatin'.
If you didn't get a chance to make it down to Richmond's United Blood fest, not only did you miss a great hc fest but you missed us playing with our good friend Georgie of Blacklisted singing. Dan had to skip out on the fest last minute due to the birth of his new twin seeds! Congratulations to Dan & Hannah! It was a bummer not to have Dan there, but at the same time it was great to have George on stage with us for a whole set. He did a great job and everyone had a good time for our set. If you missed it or just wanna see your sick stage-mosh peep the video!

Cold World from KO Films on Vimeo.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Kool XX

for the record, i made this like 2 months before the notorious xx came out...


...just sayin ; )

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Nick Woj-Best of the Cold World Remixes

Y'all know what the fuck it is. The best joints from the Cold World Remixes series with a few new ones thrown in the mix. I'm gonna have cover artwork for it soon, so I'll post that when it's done. Please feel free to pass this link around. I'm tryin to blow like the World Trade.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Stop Snitchin

It's been a miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinute since we made a post on here, but that's definitely going to change. Haroun was in town to work on some jams and play a gig a couple weeks ago (the gig in DC was great by the way. shootouts to whoever booked the gig, give, war hungry & coke bust) and i listened to our song from the Generations comp on his ipod for the first time in a few years. This song is a slammer, but it's not all that it could be for a few reasons, as I'm sure anyone who's heard it knows. So I thought I'd dedicate this comeback post to the memory of "Stop Snitchin".

Cold World's lineup at the time was Me, Alex, Dan, Ill Will and Dave Foster (great lineup!) and we were enjoying some success in the scene as well as feeling a lot of hate from the shine blockers of the core. Since a young edgemen, Revelation Records was always my favorite hardcore label. It's early discography can't be beat and I enjoy a lot of the slept on titles up through the 90's as well. Needless to say, we were very excited when we got asked to be on this comp. Actually, let me back up for a second. During this time, I was aware of but not necessarily friendly with my now-bud Bob Shedd and he had recently moved from NJ to Cali to work for Rev and help then re-establish their rep in the hardcore scene. We were looking for a label to do an LP with, so I dropped a hint to a friend of Bob's that we'd definitely be interested in working with Rev if it was something they'd be into. The prognosis was negative(shoutout to my trill-ass o.g. tv nerds) on that suggestion and I was blindly offended by it. Why WOULDN'T they wanna put out the groundbreaking platter from Wilkes-Barre's burly wigger sons?! Haha psych. I was planning on biting Clipse's "them crackas weren't playin fair at jive" line on a song, but changing it to Rev, but that was deaded by becoming really good homies with Bob after playing Sound and Fury.

Anyways, back to the lecture at hand. Thanks to Bob for asking us to be on this comp, because I'm sure it was his idea to include us. When we got asked to be on this rager, Alex & I penned a jam and we booked time at Plymouth, PA's Plymouth Rock studio. I believe Frostbite recorded their demo and maybe their 7" here, but I wasn't at either sessions so I wasn't sure what to expect. The cats who ran this joint were middle-age classic rock burnout stoners who giggled when I brought in a turntable and a Vestax PMC05 mixer to record the scratch part at the end of the song. I remember somebody from the Detroit Birds crew snorting something in the lobby of the studio, but I forget who. It was either T-Bone or Drewpy. It was wild, and we were having a lot of laughs by fucking with the scummy locals in shitty-ass Plymouth but at the same time we definitely got work done on this joint cause I'm really happy with how we played on it. I used Rifkin's drums and had him bring the double bass pedal out so I could rock the crossover sound to the strempf. Dan sounded decent on the track and we had Will do a little backup part.

Anyways, Plymouth weren't answering our calls when it was time to get this track mixed and send to Rev and at last minute we just had Foster go there and get the tracks and send them to Cali so they could just mix it out there so we could make the deadline for the comp. Normally I wouldn't ever let anybody else mix our shit but I didn't wanna miss the chance of having a spot on a Rev release! Apparently when they opened the files, the tracks were scattered and nothing was in time with eachother! Especially the vocals and the scratch part! They mixed it how they thought it should go and sent it to us but the vocals were off time. Well, techincally they were on time, but started a note or two before they were supposed to so they don't necessarily sound off-time to the listener, just awkward. The same goes for the scratches! I called Bob while he was in the studio mixing it down and no matter how many times he played it to me over the phone I couldn't tell what I was listening to so I just had to leave it in his hands.

The result is a bittersweet track called "Stop Snitchin". The name means nothing haha. My friend Bushy got me a stop snitchin shirt from the Dipset store in Harlem around that time so I just used that as the name. The lyrics are on some anti-religious shit. I'd be curious to know what people think of this track a few years later. With all technical problems aside, I think it stands up and we were able to be on the supposed second coming of Where It Is! The key word being "supposed" ;)